THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE THERAPY, Is a type of therapy that is focused on targeting the problem by looking at muscular imbalance in the tissue. That could be caused by structural imbalance, trauma to an area, lack of movement or repetitive movement that create pain within the soft-tissue of the body. Using treatment like neuromuscular therapy, Pain Neuralization, Activated Isolated Stretching, and Myofascial Release.
HOT STONE THERAPY, Is a natural therapy combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage. The hot stones also expand blood vessels, which encourages blood flow through out the body. The hot stones have a sedative effect that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, and promotes deep relaxation. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.
BELLANINA FACELIFT MASSAGE, This delightful technique is a pampering, relaxing massage, that truly improves the appearance of your face through gentle acupressure, lymphatic drainage strokes, and facial massage stroke. This can firm sagging skin and soften lines. Not to mention the state of peace and total relaxation.
The 90 minutes treatment include a massage along with a facial.